American Society for Ethics in Education Banner


State Horrors

County Horrors

Local Horrors

  • Bonita Unified School District - California Department of Education, Special Education Division, finds district out of compliance with law - TWICE!
  • Lomitas Elementary School - A "California Distinguished School" and a "National Blue Ribbon School" - RACISM? BLATANT DISCRIMINATION? Anyone Care? Find out about how Lomitas Elementary School of the Victor Elementary School District received both the National Blue Ribbon Award from President Clinton, as well as the California Distinguished School Award from Delaine Eastin, California State Superintendent of Public Instruction.
  • Victor Elementary School District - Home of Lomitas Elementary School. Find out about other grossly unethical practices that occur within this school district. Highlights include - admission that racism exists, mentor teachers convicted of child molestation and other horrors!
  • Loomis Union School District - Afraid of special education parent!
  • "The Principal of Failure in the Los Angeles Unified School District." - [Sadly, this link is no longer available.] Wow! You'll need a "Barf Bag" before you read this page - it will make any decent soul vomit! Be sure to read about "Jailhouse Sallye Gauthier" - If LAUSD ever cans her, she would be a GREAT candidate to head up a new "National Blue Ribbon School" for the Victor Elementary School District!
  • "Eduspeak Follies" by teacher, Alison McMahon Johnson. Gosh, another surprise - Delaine Eastin, California State Superintendent of Public Instruction Racism ignores more horrors! Also see Ms. Johnson's other page, "Boneheads In Education."

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