> States of Terror > California
> California Commission on Teacher Crendentialing |
Cronies at the California Commission on Teacher
Credentialing (CTC)
This bumbling organization is the official state agency for certifying
teachers to serve in the classroom. Unfortunately, this agency is
incapable of performing many of its most important tasks in that
it allows such marvels of educational excellence (including the
notorious "Jailhouse Sallye,"
who murdered a man to roam about school while wearing an "electronic
leash") to continue working. While the CTC allows such educational
travesties to exist, it also participates in the harassment of teachers
(such as the one who had been employed by the Victor Elementary
School District), by allowing districts, such as the Victor Elementary
School District, to try and revoke a teacher's credential for attempting
to assist children and exercising his first amendment rights - even
though that teacher had ALWAYS received exemplary job evaluations!
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