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Beverly the Bully

Chief Counsel?

Beverly Tucker was involved in the attempt by the California Teachers Association and the National Education Association to stifle one of CTA/NEA's members! Isn't it great to know how well the "Chief Counsel" of California Teachers Association "protects CTA members?"  Look at the following documents to see what CTA and NEA are really like! (Double click on each image to see the full size view.)  The following materials represent some of the preliminary documents that were filed before the case went before a PERB's administrative law judge. Click here to go to the page that contains the actual court proceedings (NEA/CTA finally settled!) The California Public Employment Relations Board Issues Formal Complaint Against National Education Association!

Way to go PERBs!

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CTA/NEA Tries to Get Charges Against Them Waived and Fails!

What went wrong Ms. Tucker? Too bad the California Public Employment Relations Board wouldn't grant CTA/NEA's attempt to have Ms. Carlisle pay your legal expenses! These "expenses," as you well know, are paid through the exorbitant membership dues - nearly $700 - charged each year of the members you are supposed to represent! 

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Changing of the Guard

What happened Ms. Tucker? Afraid CTA couldn't handle it? ..Or did you want NEA to look like the "bad guys" when CTA/NEA's attempt to extort your legal expenses from Ms. Carlisle floundered?

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