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  • Kenowa Hills Public Schools - The Associated Press has reported that: "Michigan teacher must cover cost of substitute while on military duty." In a disgusting slap in the face to decency and ethical behavior, Superintendent Jim Gillette of Kenowa Hills Public Schools had the audacity to state: "In the future, he's not going to get out that well." Well, Jim. . . ASEE is proud to announce that we are in the process of creating a web site just for school officials like you and your school board. Once it's completed, we hope that you will be one of the first to be listed! A portion of the AP news article states (March 3, 2004): "As a result of (teacher) Bernhardt's situation, Kenowa Hills school board members now are likely to create a specific policy covering employee military leave. "In the future, he's not going to get out that well," Gillette said."