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Los Angeles Unified School District

Los Angeles Unified School District

One only needs to whisper the name, "Los Angeles Unified School District" to break out in a cold sweat!

  • Latest Update on "Jailhouse Sallye"

The New Times Los Angeles Online, Los Angeles' Premier Online News agency tells the "Jailhouse Sallye" Story like it is! Unlike most traditional news sources, The New Times Los Angeles Online spares nothing in telling about what happens in our schools! Be sure to check out their latest article on "Jailhouse Sallye" and some of the other "instructional leaders" (is that an oxymoron?) entitled, "Sour Premonitions." [Sadly, the New Times Los Angeles is no more. We are currently seeking a copy of this important article.]

The America Society for Ethics in Education Commends The New Times Los Angeles Online for their honesty in reporting!

ASEE Visitors will also be interested in learning that the April 30, 2000 Edition of the Los Angeles Times announced that the notorious Sallye "Jailhouse Sallye" Gauthier, principal of Arlington Heights Elementary School of the Los Angeles Unified School District, has finally been forced to resign! The Los Angeles Times opinion, entitled "What Took So Long?" accurately describes ASEE's feeling regarding the atrocities that the Los Angeles Unified School District and the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing have permitted to continue for an eternity. The LA Times notes that "Jailhouse Sallye":

  • "led 11 parents into a classroom and berated a teacher in front of them,
  • . . .restrained a special education student by putting her foot on the child's head,
  • . . .slammed into seven cars, killing a man, then drove away,
  • . . .convicted of misdemeanor manslaughter,

Still, she kept her job as a principal with the Los Angeles Unified School District.

  • After nearly 70 teachers and staff fled the school,
  • . . .after the untold damage that must have been done to the unlucky students of Arlington Heights Elementary School,

Sallye Gauthier was finally forced to resign." Well, it's ABOUT TIME! ASEE wants to know:

  • Why did it take so LONG for the Los Angeles Unified School District to STOP this HORROR????
  • Where were the United Teachers of Los Angeles???? Why didn't this union (an affiliate of the National Education Association, the American Federation of Teachers, and the California Teachers Association) act sooner to protect the teachers at this school of terror? Did UTLA, NEA, CTA, and the AFT even care?
  • Why didn't the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing act SOONER? (The CTC has known about "Jailhouse Sallye" for a LONG TIME!) Be sure to visit ASEE, in the very near future, to learn about another developing scandal involving the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing!

The American Society for Ethics in Education would like to commend the work of Laura Brauner, a former Los Angeles Unified School District Teacher who has worked tirelessly, to help bring "Jailhouse Sallye's" atrocities to the American Public - LONG before the media (or anyone else) would acknowledge the horrors at Arlington Heights Elementary School. Please be sure to visit Ms. Brauner's web site at: Lemons of the Los Angeles Unified School District [link is no longer valid]. ASEE commends Ms. Brauner as an American Hero!

  • Report by the Josephson Institute for Ethics on the Los Angeles Unified School District - Please follow this link to review this organization's "Findings" with regard to one of "the largest public entities in the world." Finding number six states "LAUSD Does Not Have a Healthy Ethical Environment. Unfortunately, we found that the overall ethical environment within the LAUSD is not healthy. And the problems start at the very top." Be sure to click on the above link to learn more.
  • "The Principal of Failure in the Los Angeles Unified School District." - Wow! You'll need a "Barf Bag" before you read this page - it will make any decent soul vomit! Be sure to read about "Jailhouse Sallye Gauthier" - If LAUSD ever cans her, she would be a GREAT candidate to head up a new "National Blue Ribbon School" for the Victor Elementary School District!
  • "Eduspeak Follies" by teacher, Alison McMahon Johnson. Gosh, another surprise - Delaine Eastin, California State Superintendent of Public Instruction Racism ignores more horrors! Also see Ms. Johnson's other page, "Boneheads In Education."